Team Corally - Shock Oil - Ultra Pure Silicone - 200 CST - 150ml

    Team Corally - Shock Oil - Ultra Pure Silicone - 200 CST - 150ml

    • EAN code 8718057177263

    Team Corally - Ultra pure Silicone SHOCK oils are manufactured and bottled in Europe. Each production batch is rheometer calibrated to ensure the highest possible consistency and quality from batch to batch. the viscosity of the oils is rated in industry proven CPS values.

    Team Corally - Ultra pure Silicone SHOCK oils cover the complete range from thin 100cPs up to thick 1000cPs with numerous stages in between. With the available range, you will be able to find the correct viscosity you need for your application.

    - Drop by drop flip top cap
    - Viscosity indication label on cap
    - Temperature stable
    - 60ml content
    - Manufactured and bottled in Europe

    Color: Blue, Purple, White
    Size: 20, 24
    Material: 100% Polyester


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